Saturday, December 22, 2007

First Grade for the 5th time...

Every once in awhile I get called Mom or Grandma but the name I get called most is Teacher Teacher Teacher!!! Teacher what do I do now?... Teacher my pencil is broken...Teacher he touched me...Teacher when is lunch...Teacher I need to go to the bathroom...Teacher I didn't get a turn...!! If I more kid sneezes in my face..... :)

I really do like my job mostly because I work with the best teachers ever and I get three weeks off every two months, oh yeah and the whole month of December.

Wheelie Tennis

I started playing wheelchair tennis in the summer of 2007. With several other "wheelies" and a coach who plays competetive Wheelchair Tennis. It is a lot of fun. I participated in a Rehab Video that exhibits accessible recreation. Let's just say if there was an award for the best beginner it would be sitting on my desk. Since then we had a tennis camp and a tourney--they call it one up/one down. One walker and one wheelie. HE HE HE one up one down I get it! Now I'm playing with some guys who are all in their 50's and have been playing for more than 20 years. We play every Friday and I'm perfecting my top spin and my twister serve.

WELCOME to my crazy life!!

I love purple!! I was browsing through other peoples blogs and decided (after a little prodding from family) that I need my own. Personally because I think I have all sorts of funny things to say now I can share them with everyone!! Ya Lucky!